Hi, Everyone — Welcome to a new series called “Inspired Journeys” — posts sharing cool things people do and the journeys that got them there. First up is my friend, Amy Downing — The Creative Farm Girl. ENJOY and BUY HER CARDS — help her spread seeds of inspiration and love throughout the world!

inspirational greeting cards & unique paper goods!
The Journeyer: Amy Downing, The Creative Farm Girl – planting seeds of inspiration wherever she goes!
Her craft: Inspirational greeting cards and other unique paper goods
Tell me about yourself and your craft – what has been your journey to now? I feel that everything we do in life builds upon a previous experience, so this journey has been a long time in the making. I have been a writer for as long as I can remember, and about 15 years ago I set out to be a “professional writer” (whatever that means). In frustration from not being as far along as I had hoped, about eight years ago I started a weekly blog, which I ran every week for five years. It was during those five years that magic started to happen. I began including cartoons in my pieces. Those cartoons led to some VERY SIMPLE colored pieces, which then led to my mixed media art with paper, paints, wood, and stamps. But through all these creative endeavors, the words have always been the key part for me.
I feel that everything we do in life builds upon a previous experience, so this journey has been a long time in the making… About eight years ago I started a weekly blog, which I ran every week for five years. It was during those five years that magic started to happen…
Amy Downing – The Creative Farm Girl
What are your hopes for your craft? I try not to have too many expectations, because there are so many things out of my control. HOWEVER, my current goal is to sell out of my 2021 Creative Farm Girl desk calendars. I’d say my short to long-term goals would be to find a way to distribute my products more effectively, so that I can produce more cards each season.

What is the most rewarding aspect of your work? I started creating my art pieces to encourage people I love. Now my art sold in a greeting card format encourages people I don’t know, and that makes it so worthwhile.
What do you believe has contributed most to the success of your journey so far? Perseverance for sure. Knowing that every card I create is an improvement on the last card. It has taken me trying different envelopes, card sizes, paper types, and so on, to get to the place I love for now. I think the creative process is continually evolving and I want to be open always to improvement.
I started creating my art pieces to encourage people I love. Now my art sold in a greeting card format encourages people I don’t know, and that makes it so worthwhile.
Amy Downing – The Creative Farm Girl
What has been the most difficult struggle in your journey so far and how did/do you navigate it? That battlefield of the mind, to be honest. I’ve had to learn how to fight depression and discouragement, which is constantly on your doorstep when you decide to make your creative work more than a hobby. And what’s funny to me is that the best way for me to combat it is to do something creative . . . which is probably why I have a lot of side projects I do. I also lean in heavily to God, who doesn’t always magically deliver me from my emotions, but He is constantly there with me through it, speaking Truth and Love.

Where do you find inspiration? It almost always comes from a Bible verse or a word or a specific person I want to make a piece of art for to encourage them. Most inspirations come to me when I’m doing almost any kind of physical work—running, yoga-ing, and gardening. But there are many occasions when I have to sit in my studio with a big blank sheet and several very sharp pencils and brainstorm—meaning I write down anything that comes to my head. I usually get something worth pursuing.
During the quarantine I created a new card series called Seeds of Inspiration. Each card features a word to encourage, along with a Bible verse and simple art. The awesome thing about the quarantine was the time we’ve had to explore. Of course, the downside for me has been how so many small businesses have closed or limited their inventory.

Who inspires you? So many people! I think there is something about every single person I meet that inspires me, but I’ll try and narrow it a bit: any single parent, anyone who has battled addiction, old people who can still smile . . . . all these people have faced things that most “regular” people don’t understand. And their very desire to move forward each day inspires me.
How can others enjoy and support your craft? At my website thecreativefarmgirl.com you can see all my cards and paper products. I also love Instagram—you can find me there at @thecreativefarmgirl and on Facebook at The Creative Farm Girl. I do blog semi-regularly, too, which I love doing.
What is the coolest/most amazing experience you have had along your journey so far? Certainly my ability to give back to organizations I support has been rewarding. For every card I sell online, $0.25 goes to Orphan Aid Liberia, where The Creative Farm Girl supports a little girl named Comfort. I have also done quite a bit of work with Forever Found, a local agency that helps underage youth caught in the awful sex-trafficking industry.
For every card I sell online, $0.25 goes to Orphan Aid Liberia, where The Creative Farm Girl supports a little girl named Comfort.
Amy Downing – The Creative Farm Girl
Any funny stories along your journey you wish to share? When I first started looking into publishing greeting cards, I went to a local printer for prices and such. An older gentleman came out to help me and said, “Are you doing this for a school fundraiser?” I was so completely annoyed by his assumptions, but fortunately my first instinct is never to lash out (most of the time), so I just smiled and said no. I have to look at this story as funny; otherwise I get frustrated with how some people look at you and judge.
What do you wish you knew at the start of your journey that you know now? Advertising and marketing are important!
What are you glad you didn’t know starting out? Probably that I was the one who would have to learn advertising and marketing!
What are your top three tips for someone who is on the same journey or wishes to be?
- Persevere. Don’t get paralyzed when things aren’t super successful and don’t get lazy when things are.
- Practice. You have to be in constant learning mode.
- Play. If you aren’t having fun with the journey, change the journey.
What are your hopes for someone looking to follow in your footsteps or who sees you as a role model? My ultimate goal is to plant seeds of inspiration into not only every card and paper product I create, but in every conversation I have, every letter or essay I write, even this interview. The world needs more Encouragers—an encourager is different than a cheer leader, because a cheer leader will you cheer you on to the goal or to a temporary win, but an Encourager cares about the journey more than the finish line.

What cool things are on the horizon for you? I’ve recently been asked to illustrate a Bible study with Dwelling Richly, a women’s ministry in Southern California. Also, my second Creative Farm Girl desk calendar just came out, and I’m so excited to get it out into the world.
What is a favorite saying you would like to leave with others? “Do not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people . . . “ (Galatians 6:9-10)
(Photos by: Amy Downing – The Creative Farm Girl)
Great article! I love the idea of Inspired Journeys.
I have the Creative Farm Girl’s 2020 Calendar and I love it. (I gave one to my mom too!) I have also purchased several different card packs. They are all very high quality with great artwork, quotes and scriptures. It’s so nice to have cards available at home without having to run to the store for every occasion.