Excited about the task of outfitting an apartment from scratch, our daughter, Ava, threw out a general request to family for their castoffs – she needed anything and everything from a bed frame to teaspoons, preferably free. Little did she know that one of those donations would bring her great joy: succulents!
When we stopped at her dad’s cousin’s home, Allie (Ava’s first cousin, once removed – I looked it up), presented her with a box of kitchen supplies and encouraged her to pick out some succulents from her backyard “nursery.” Allie has a passion for succulents – taking random snippets of succulent plants from others and nursing them into a diverse and expansive backyard succulent garden. Super easy, she said. Just snap off a cutting, stick it in dirt, and they’ll just start growing on their own…
With a boxful of succulent pieces and parts, a few donated pots, and a bag of potting soil from Home Depot, Ava followed Allie’s instructions and voilà!

After just a month, Ava has snapped off a few cuttings and expanded her “garden” – even using recycled containers for fun. (She might have an addiction to La Croix Limoncello…)

She sends me photos of her new cuttings, creative arrangements, and new blooms like a proud momma, and they bring me joy as well.

To learn more about propagating and caring for succulents, I recommend www.succulentsandsunshine.com.
Thanks Mary. We are honored to be part of your blog. Great Ava story.❤
I share Ava’s Limoncello addiction and love her succulents! Great work, Ava!
I need to do an update story on her succulents — the little fellas are getting big!